
Effective Ways to Lose Weight to Stay on Top of Rheumatoid Arthritis

According to the Arthritis Foundation, an estimated 1.5 million adult Americans have rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Interestingly, two-thirds of them suffer from obesity as well. In addition to the usual health hazards of obesity, the extra weight puts more pressure on the joints that are already painful. Obesity also increases the risks of rheumatoid arthritis co-morbidities like heart...CONTINUE READING

Check Details For Best Compression Braces

People have been using compression garments for a long time. You can use these pieces of clothing for different reasons. They provide support for different parts of people with poor blood circulation. These garments differ in degrees of compression. You can find compression garments for legs, ankles, hips, feet, etc. You can avoid different problems...CONTINUE READING
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